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Alison Aerogel Panel — DY10 Series

Insulation Panel for High-Temp Industrial Applications and Special Equipments

Alison Aerogel Panel DY10 Series is a series of rigid, nano-porous panels designed for different thickness, temperature and high compressive strength insulation in construction, machinery and other applications. Aerogel is the lowest thermal conductive of any present-recognized solid. With a new nanotechnology, Alison Aerogel Panel DY10 Series combines the nano-sized silica aerogel with fibers which makes it the leading product in the industry.

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Characteristics and BenefitsPhysical PropertiesThermal ConductivityApplicationsdownload

2~5 times better than traditional insulation products with longer service life
Water repellency(only applicable for hydrophobic version) and vapor permeability help to prevent Corrosion Under Insulation(CUI)
Strong structural strength provides protection for targeted objects
Lightweight, easily cut and handled to fit for various shapes and flat surfaces. Less time and labor for installation
Less volume needed for insulation materials sharply reduces volume and cost for storage and transportation
Composed of inorganic materials, landfill disposable
Contact Us
  • +86-139-2648-8632 (Kevin Chen)