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Ships and Vessels

Boilers, aheadturbines, turbine engines, different kinds of equipments as well as all kinds of pipelines containing high temperature media are installed in the compartment of steam-powered vessels, which is located at the bottom floor of the vessels with poor ventilation, therefore, high room temperature inside the compartment of steam-powered vessels is the major challenge to vessel designers. Insulation materials with high performance are helpful for effectively reducing the heat of the equipments and pipelines inside the compartment, which not only improves economic efficiency of the power system, but also fundamentally brings the temperature within the compartment under control and decreases the cost for ventilation.

Benefits of aerogel insulation materials
Compared to conventional materials, aerogel blanket is extremely low in thermal conductivity, which can sharply reduce the required thickness for insulation, saving space for the vessels and improving comfort for crew members.
Fireproof property of aerogel blanket improves safety of vessels.
Compared to conventional materials, excellent structural strength and weatherability of aerogel blanket provide stronger compressive resistance and enable longer service life, which also helps to avoid the problems caused by frequent material replacement.
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  • +86-139-2648-8632 (Kevin Chen)