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Buildings and Constructions

Due to the characteristics of acceptable insulation performance, low price and easy handling, organic insulation materials take a percentage of around 90% of both the interior wall insulation system and the exterior wall insulation system. More and more disadvantages of organic insulation materials are revealed as time passes by: extremely poor fireproof property, insufficient adhesion with wall, dissolution, weak UV resistance, etc. As inorganic insulation materials are getting a bigger and bigger market share, a transitional period is on its way, which means inorganic insulation will play an increasingly important role in the insulation material market of building and construction overwhelmingly dominated by organic materials.

Benefits of aerogel insulation materials
Interior insulation system and pre-fabricated insulation system adopting aerogel insulation material decrease the insulation thickness by 3 to 5 times compared to other inorganic insulation materials, increasing inner effective space, allowing easy installation, offering dampproof and fireproof property and reducing logistics costs.
Applieded in fast-built houses and steel constructions, aerogel insulation materials can effectively stop thermal-bridge and improve fireproof effect without tremendous cost increase.
Integrative insulation decorative systems adopting aerogel insulation materials offer a combination of advantages including but not limited to excellent insulation with minimum thickness, fireproof, waterproof.
Contact Us
  • +86-139-2648-8632 (Kevin Chen)