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Thermal Energy Pipeline Network

For the basic need of heating for citizens living in cold regions, a central heating system network was often built. Such network is built for distributing the heat generated from thermal power plants around the city to industrial parks and residence communities through underground pipelines. Massive amount of pre-insulated pipelines is required for such purpose. Due to the long distance of the distribution pipelines, high insulation performance is a must for such pipelines.

High cost for the complicated fabrication and installation process of pre-insulated pipelines.
Huge profile of single pre-insulated pipelines increases logistics cost for transportation and requires more underground space for installation.
For the pre-insulated Pipe-in-Pipe insulated with conventional materials, due to the big insulation thickness, a huge use amount of steel is necessary for the outer pipeshell.
Sagging of conventional materials is common because of their poor structural strength and hydrophobic property over long term, which increases heat loss.
Benefits of aerogel insulation materials
Aerogel blanket is 3-8 times better in insulation performance than conventional materials and the required insulation thickness is 3-5 times less, which is a big advantage in reducing the use amount of steel for outer pipeshell, minimizing heat loss, requiring less underground space for installation, helping to meet other demands of designers and city planning.
With excellent compressive resistance and tensile strength, insulation layer break through due to steam leakage can be prevented.
Compared to conventional materials, aerogel blankets will not be deformed or sagged by vibration or water seepage, maintaining stability of the pipelines.
Sharp temperature drop can be solved in steam distribution over long distance.Aerogel blanket is made of inorganic materials, enabling longer service life.
Aerogel blanket is made of inorganic materials, enabling longer service life.
Contact Us
  • +86-139-2648-8632 (Kevin Chen)